

2023.11.22 入試情報



Hirai: Not only that, we have newly established courses in junior high and high school starting in 2023. In August, we held an English camp at Miki campus of Kansai University of International Studies, titled "Global Tankyu Camp" with university students from overseas, without a grade system. With a grant from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, we also hold an online Tankyu program with students from Asia. We have also had many exchanges with high schools in Japan and abroad, including a Tankyu exchange with Chiba Prefectural Awa High School and an online exchange with a high school in Shenzhen, China. We are also close friends with the nearby Kobe Chinese School. At the Cultural Festival, the Lion Dance in 2022 and the Folk Dance Club in 2023 gave us wonderful performances. Our school's brass band performed in appreciation. We are planning various collaborations with other schools.


A: It is truly global. I heard that you have more than 10 hours of English classes a week.


Hirai: Yes. We are creating an environment where students can use English as much as possible. In the English room, we have a Japanese room where students with overseas roots can brush up on their Japanese.


A: I hear that they can improve their Japanese quite well. What about career guidance?


Hirai: In the case of our school, about 90% of our students wish to go on to university, so we have staff on hand to provide guidance with the expectation that some students may wish to go on to universities overseas as well as Japanese universities. In addition, if students meet graduation requirements, they can be recommended to designated schools.


A: That is very generous. How will periodic examinations be conducted if students' Japanese language skills are insufficient?


Hirai: We will evaluate the ability to understand the essence of the content to be taught in each subject through written tests and reports in English. The same applies to the high school entrance examination.


A: I hear that you have a great system of individualized and optimized learning using ICT and care for students who are not attending school.


Hirai: ICT materials are just tools. At our school, all students create Time Management Sheet and receive coaching from their homeroom teachers and subject teachers to build a study method that matches their level of achievement, and to improve their abilities. For students who are not attending school, we have a room called KOKO ROOM for adaptive learning, and a counseling room in the next room. With the cooperation of the Faculty of Psychology at Kansai University of International Studies. we have counselors available basically every afternoon on class days. Each student has a tablet that allows them to archive all of their classes, so they can watch them in the KOKO ROOM where they are supervised, and if they keep a study history, they are considered in attendance.

ICT教材はツールにすぎません。本校では生徒は全員、タイム・マネジメント・シートを作り、担任や教科担当の先生方からコーチングを受けながら到達度にあう勉強法を構築させ、実力をつけていきます。不登校生徒には個別最適化学習のためのKOKO ROOMという部屋を作り、となりの部屋にはカウンセリングルームを置いています。関西国際大学の心理学部の協力を得て、基本的には授業のある日は毎日、午後からカウンセラーを配置しています。11台のタブレットで、授業はすべてアーカイブで視聴できますので、監督のいるKOKO ROOMで視聴し、学習履歴が残れば出席扱いしています)

A: I heard rumors, but now I understand why my daughter says it is a wonderful school. Please do blog about your discussion with me.



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